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There are a number of ways for weed control to be undertaken. One of the most efficient ways is using selective herbicides because of how they work as well as their flexible application timing. Here we will discuss weed control using selective herbicides.

These herbicides are chemical compounds that have been put together to kill specific plants (weeds) without affecting other desirable ones. Weeds often grow intertwined amidst other useful crops or plants, making it hard to control them. With such methods of weed control however, you can easily kill these harmful weeds without affecting the other plants you are growing.

Here are some of the ones we have in stock:

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2,4D Agromine 860SL
Agromine 860SL

Ariane Herbicide

Dual Gold Selective Herbicide
Dual Gold herbicide in Kenya dual-gold-herbicide-250ml

Ariane Selective Lawn Weedkiller
Ariane Selective Lawn Weedkiller in Kenya

2,4D Turbo
2,4D Turbo 200ml

Learn more about these herbicides at