Arabic grass in Kenya is a type of lawn grass preferred for its beauty. It is fine leafed and has a deep green colour. This is the most popular grass for lawns in Kenya because of the features that are described below.
Main features of Arabic grass
Arabic grass has the following salient features
- Small leafed blades
- Fine textured leaves
- Deep green leaves
- A shiny look
- It is a creeper meaning that it will cover all gaps
- Tight growth that smothers weeds
Growth habit of Arabic grass
Arabic grass is a creeper. As such, it grows by sending stolons sideways covering all available gaps. On the stolons, leaves grow on alternate nodes and in opposite directions. The stolons tend to be red-green. Once the gaps are filled, the grass produces numerous shoots. It is these shoots that completely cover the ground. Because of this, Arabic forms a dense mat.
Shade tolerance
Arabic grass has medium shade tolerance. It will therefore grow very well in partial shade such as under tall trees and trees without a heavy canopy. It also grows very well under full sun. Water must be available for a lush green lawn.
Ability to out-compete weeds
The dense mat from Arabic grows does not allow weeds to grow or thrive. If well tended, a lawn of Arabic grass will remain weed free. Regardless of location, the the secret of a nice looking lawn is maintenance. Keep your lawn well tended by regular watering, regular fertilization and regular mowing. Do not forget to control of pests, diseases and weeds. Mowing regularly, proper nutrition, watering and pest control enhance the ability of a lawn to out-compete weeds. These practices should be at the top of your mind for a beautiful lawn.
Drought and heat tolerance
The drought tolerance of Arabic grass is low. Under conditions of intense drought, Arabic grass goes dormant. In dry conditions, water your lawn heavily and less frequently. Shallow and more frequent watering encourages shallow rooting and growth of weeds.
Mowing frequency
There are many reasons why grass ought to be mowed regularly. The following are some of the reasons:
- A well mowed lawn is attractive
- Mowing increases grass density. This in turn control weeds
- Mowing stresses weeds which weakens them.
- Mowing exposes the lower areas of grass and this prevents pests
- Mowing improves the lawn function such as recreation and sports
- Mowing a lawn allows sunshine and light to penetrate to low areas of the grass preventing fungal diseases.

Where should Arabic grass be grown
This type of grass should be grown for all lawns in full or partial shade. It is most suitable for homes, offices and recreation. It is the most sought after grass for luxury lawns in Kenya. As a luxury lawn, water must be available to keep the grass healthy.
Cold tolerance
Arabic grass can tolerate the cold regions in East Africa it however does not grow well in very high altitudes. At more than 2500 meters above sea level, the performance of this grass is poor.
Product forms
We sell Arabic grass in 3 forms:
- Grass Sod or “carpet” blocks
- Plugs
- Sacks/Bags. Sacks or bags are obtained by breaking down the sod pieces.
- Grass Rolls/Grass carpet
- Sod – Ksh 450 for a 2ft by 2 feet block
- Plugs – Ksh 3.50. The requirement is between 40 and 100 plugs per square metre. Use fewer plugs for areas greater than 1000 square metres
- Sacks- If one piece is broken to make a sack, the price will be Ksh 450. If 2 pieces are broken, the price will be Ksh 900 and so on and so forth
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